Is gender diversity gaining ground in the country?
In the past few weeks, some headlines caught my attention:
a) The number of female commuters in the public transport system in Mumbai is on the rise.
That means more women are joining the workforce.
b) Study shows that the number of women recruitments is on the rise post-pandemic
This is the relief I thought, as SDGs are all about diversity
However, the following headlines took the sheen off my early enthusiasm.
a) Women workforce in India is yet to improve
Contradicting. But 81% of the women workforce in India is in rural and in urban areas, it is only 19%.
b) Out of the 100 people at the board level, more than 80 are men
Is gender diversity at the board level a distant reality? Or has it gone with the wind?
While the first headline made me happy, the following 3 left me wondering when and how India will see improvements in gender diversity. It is a long bridge that needs to be crossed.
Though the cry for gender diversity and pay parity is decades old, it remains partially fulfilled or more likely an eyewash on the ground.
India needs fast-tracking in many of its actions, starting from policies/ regulations that enable recruitment to move towards gender parity. I am not denying the fact that some of the sections in our society including corporate houses, have started their implementation along these lines. But considering India’s vast, large and diverse population, it may appear as a Himalayan task. But a will can change everything. The best example is the passing of the Women’s Reservations Bill by the Indian Parliament recently.
These are my five suggestions for improving gender diversity:
Policies and regulations for stricter implementation, including pay parity
The old formula of incentivizing companies (though I am not for it)
Encourage leadership and mentorship programs for women
Create flexi work policies and create gender-safe workplaces
Create an ecosystem that favours women entrepreneurship
The existing system is inadequate; we need to bring in robust, agile and consistent elements that will accelerate to meet gender diversity in India.