10 Benefits of Sustainable Agriculture Practices

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Natural farming is the fastest growing sustainable agricultural practice. More than 800,000 farmers in India have already adopted natural farming. We list below 7 benefits of sustainable agriculture practice.

1. Maximizes the efficient use of water, soil, and energy resources. This reduces waste and saves resources.

2. Preserves natural ecosystems, supports diverse crops and animals.

3. Maintains healthy soil, air and water; reduces pest and disease risks.

4. Helps to mitigate climate change by reducing greenhouse gas emissions through no-till farming.

5. Helps to adapt to climate change through diverse crop rotations, reduced fertilizer use, and promoting renewable energy.

6. Improves soil health, helps crops to withstand extreme weather conditions.

7. Improves food security and reduces transportation and distribution environmental impacts.

8. Helps to build stronger, resilient communities and provides economic opportunities for small-scale farmers.

9. Promotes local food systems, reduces dependence on global food supply chains, improves sustainability of the food chain.

10. Promotes social equity by supporting small-scale farmers, promoting fair trade practices, and safe working conditions.

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