6 Policies To Boost The Domestic Renewable Market

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With unionbudget FY2022-23 barely 40 days away, industry bodies are drafting wishlists for Union Finance Minister Nirmalasitharaman’s consideration.

Industry body #assocham has suggested six policies, which if included and announced in the Union Budget, will improve the scope of the renewablesindustry in India.

Sumant Sinha, President, Assocham, and Chairman, ReNew Power, has urged Finance Minister Nirmala Sitharaman to reduce interest rates. He has focused on the following policies:

• Reduce the interest rate from the current 8-10 percent
• Increase allocation for PLI for #solarmodule manufacturing from Rs 19,500
• Announce a green hydrogen policy
• Include subsidies to boost hydrogen manufacturing to compete globally
• Create a playscheme to help electrolyzers
• Develop a #pli program to set up wind energy capacity

In an interview with PTI, Mr Singh said, “Why don’t we also have a PLI scheme for the wind? It will lower the cost of wind. I have suggested it to the government. This would help lower the cost of wind capacity which currently costs around Rs 6-7 crore per megawatt.”

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