BioE3 is a rising star in India's economic constellation

BioE3 is a rising star in India’s economic constellation

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The recently launched BioE3 policy has fuelled the sector’s growth. India’s Bioeconomy has been making steady progress in the last decade.

Some key facts that As in December 2023,
a) Bioeconomy contributes 4.25% to India’s Gross Domestic Product (GDP) of $3.55 trillion.
b) Indian Bioeconomy has grown from $10 billion in 2014 to $151 billion in 2023.
c) Number of Biotech Startups have grown from 50 Biotech Startups in 2014 to 8,531 Biotech Startups in 2023.

BioE3 Policy

The BioE3 Policy aims at accelerating development of technologies for bio-based products and their commercialization. for this, BioEnablers that include Bio-Artificial (Bio-AI) Intelligence Hubs, Biofoundries and Biomanufacturing Hubs would be setup across the country. Bio-AI hubs will be set up to augment research and innovation. The Bio Foundries and Biomanufacturing Hubs will aim at setting up of infrastructure/ facilities for augmenting scale up of technologies for bio-based products.

The Policy aims at enhancing efficiency in biomanufacturing process, sustainability, and quality while also accelerating the development and production of bio-based high-value products.

The BioE3 Policy is aligned with India’s vision of Green Growth (announced in the Union Budget 2023-24) and also with the clarion call of the Hon’ble Prime Minister on ‘Lifestyle for Environment (LiFE)’ that envisions collective approach towards sustainability.

The objective of the BioE3 Policy is to set forth a framework that ensures the adoption of cutting-edge advanced technologies, and aligning innovative research for promoting Biomanufacturing. The BioE3 Policy outlines guidelines and principles for enabling mechanisms for ‘Fostering High Performance Biomanufacturing’ in the country across diverse sectors.

DBT-BIRAC have issued a joint call to invite proposals for setting up of “मूलांकुर BioEnablers – Biofoundries and Biomanufacturing Hubs” in the country. All the proposals received are under evaluation. The Bio-Enablers will also provide training and internship for building human resources with the required interdisciplinary, cross functional technical skills to foster biomanufacturing.

i. Bio-based chemicals and enzymes
ii. Functional foods and Smart proteins
iii. Precision biotherapeutics
iv. Climate resilient agriculture
v. Carbon capture and its utilization
vi. Futuristic marine and space research


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