The world’s eyes turn to Riyadh as COP16 kicks off
Global dignitaries, policymakers, scientists, and NGOs will engage in intense discussions as part of the ‘critical’ UN meeting to restore land at the 16th Conference of the Parties (COP16)
Global dignitaries, policymakers, scientists, and NGOs will engage in intense discussions as part of the ‘critical’ UN meeting to restore land at the 16th Conference of the Parties (COP16)
SDGs are not enough for global sustainability. OECD countries need to adopt Sustainable Consumption Goals (SCGs)
Led by FAO, 16 global organizations have developed an action plan to preserve forests. These include data, science, finance and communication
The main direct cause of biodiversity loss is land use change (primarily for large-scale food production) which drives an estimated 30% of biodiversity decline globally
By 2030, Puma—the third largest sportswear manufacturer in the world, will source all its bovine leather from deforestation free supply chains. The enterprise has signed up for the Deforestation-Free Call to Action for Leather, launched by global non-profits Textile Exchange and Leather Working Group. “This deforestation-free commitment also directly supports one of PUMA’s 10FOR25 sustainability
As the world works to reverse/restrict the harmful impact of deforestation, the Collaborative Partnership on Forests (CPF) has signed a new collaboration partnership. The Green Climate Fund (GCF), one of the world’s largest providers of forest finance, has joined the CPF in a bid to end deforestation and ensure the sustainable management of forests and